
The Board is responsible for leading and monitoring the Company, playing a critical role in corporate governance. The Company aims to build an effective board of directors, therefore, we engage elites from the political and business sectors in Hong Kong as our independent directors to form an effective board of directors and other dedicated committees with our other executive and non- executive directors possessing extensive experience and strong expertise, which in turn will improve the transparency and independence of the Company and facilitate the Company’s success.

The Board comprises ten Directors including three Executive Directors, namely Mr. Zhang Wang (Chairman), Mr. Wang Xin (Vice Chairman) and Mr. GAO Liang (General Manager), threeNon-Executive Directors, namely Mr. Shen Hong Liang, Mr. YU Ke Xiang and Mr. Zhang Chang Liang, and four Independent Non-Executive Directors, namely Mr. IP Shing Hing BBS, J.P., Mr. LAU Siu Ki, Kevin, Professor Japhet Sebastian LAW and Dr. Tang Lai Wah.

Mr. Zhang Wang

Executive Director (Chairman)

Mr. Zhang Wang, aged 44, has been the Chairman and an Executive Director of the Company since 23 December 2024. Mr. Zhang graduated from the Hunan University in Environmental Science and Engineering. Mr. Zhang has previously served various positions in the Investment Management Department of Tianjin TEDA Investment Holding Co., Ltd.* (“TEDA Holding”), the controlling shareholder of the Company, and its various subsidiaries. Mr. Zhang has also previously served as the chairman of the board of directors of Tianjin TEDA Co., Ltd. (the shares of which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 000652.SZ)). Mr. Zhang is currently the deputy general manager of TEDA Holding as well as the vice chairman of the board of directors of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd..

  • Mr. Wang Xin

    Executive Director (Vice Chairman)

    Mr. Wang, aged 49, graduated from the China University of Petroleum, Beijing in Management with a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and a professional master’s degree in Engineering. He possesses the professional qualification of a PRC Senior Economist. Mr. Wang has served various positions in China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Shengli Oilfield Sales Company* (勝利油田銷售公司), Oilfield Business Department, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Natural Gas Branch Company* (中國石油化工股份有限公司天然氣分公司) (“Sinopec Gas”). Mr Wang is currently the deputy general manager of Sinopec Gas, Sinopec Natural Gas Limited Company* (中國石化天然氣 有限責任公司) and Great Wall Energy Investment Co., Ltd* (長城燃氣投資有限公司)6respectively, which are branch company or subsidiaries of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (a substantial shareholder of the Company).

  • Mr. Gao Liang

    Executive Director (General Manager)

    Mr. GAO Liang, aged 56, has been the General Manager and an executive Director of the Company since 4 August 2009. He has been the Compliance Officer of the Company since February 2010. He is also the general manager of Binhai Investment (Tianjin) Company Limited (“Binhai Tianjin”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company incorporated in the PRC since April 2009. Mr. GAO is a senior engineer. He graduated from Wuhan Urban Construction Institute ( 武漢城市建設學院) with a major in environment hygiene engineering in 1988, and obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Nankai University ( 南開大學) in 2005. He was the deputy director of the Science Promotion Center of Urban and Rural Development Administrative Committee of Tianjin Municipa ( 天津市城鄉建設管理委員會科技推廣中心) for the period from 1993 to 1995 and the deputy director of the Tianjin Municipal Environmental and Hygienic Engineering Design Council ( 天津市環衛工程設計院) for the period from 1995 to 2001. Mr. GAO is a member of the Nomination Committee and the Risk Committee of the Company.

  • Mr. Shen Hong Liang

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. SHEN Hong Liang , aged 53, has been a non- executive Director since 16 October 2020. Mr. SHEN is a PRC senior economist graduated from the labour and social security profession of Jilin University in 2011. Mr. SHEN has served various positions in Oilfield Natural Gas Application Technology Research Institute Office* (中原油田天然氣應用技術開發處辦公室) and Sinopec Gas since July 1989. From July 2018 to November 2020, Mr. SHEN served as the manager of the natural gas sales centre of Sinopec Gas in Northern China and the deputy general manager of Great Wall Energy, a substantial shareholder of the Company. Since November 2020, Mr. SHEN has served as the manager of the terminal market development centre of Sinopec Gas.

  • Mr. Yu Ke Xiang

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. YU Ke Xiang, aged 53, has been as a non-executive Director since 26 July 2018. He graduated from The Tianjin University of Finance and Economics with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics in 1993 and a Master’s Degree in Economics in 1999. Mr. YU has been in financial asset investment management (foreign and domestic capital markets) and fund operations for many years. He joined Tianjin Development since 2010 and has served in various roles including deputy general manager and general manager of Tianjin Development Assets Management Company Limited ( 天津發展資產管理有限公司), a wholly- owned subsidiary of Tianjin Development. Prior to joining Tianjin Development, Mr. YU was an assistant to manager of investment banking division and manager of securities division of Northern International Trust and Investment Company Limited ( 北方國際信托投資股份有限公司), head of operations of Tianjin Guoneng Investment Company Limited ( 天津國能投資有限公司), senior project manager of fund utilization department of Bohai Property Insurance Company Limited ( 渤海財產保險股份有限公司), etc. He is currently the assistant to general manager and the head of capital operation department of TEDA Industrial Group, Tsinlien Group Company Limited ( 津聯集團有限公司) (“Tsinlien”)( both TEDA Industrial Group and Tsinlien being the controlling shareholders of Tianjin Development) and Tianjin Development, as well as a director of certain subsidiaries of TEDA Industrial Group, Tsinlien and Tianjin Development. He is also a director of Tianjin Lisheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange — Stock Code 002393). Since 21 February 2023, Mr. Yu has been appointed as a director of TEDA Hong Kong Property Company Limited (“TEDA HK”), a substantial shareholder of the Company.

  • Mr. Zhang Chang Liang

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. ZHANG Chang Liang, aged 43, has been a non-executive director of the Company since 21 August 2024. Mr. Zhang is a PRC Engineer, graduated from Tianjin University with a major in Materials Science and a master’s degree in Engineering. Mr. Zhang held various positions in Tianjin TEDA Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries. He is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Binhai Investment (Tianjin) Company Limited.

  • Mr. IP Shing Hing BBS, J. P.

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Mr. IP Shing Hing BBS, J. P. , aged 68, has been an independent non-executive Director since 23 March 2009. He holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons.) Degree from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Arts: Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution from the City University of Hong Kong. He is a solicitor and Notary Public, Hong Kong SAR and China-Appointed Attesting Officer, and Justice of Peace, and has been a practising solicitor in Hong Kong for more than 30 years. He also serves as an independent non-executive director of Far East Hotels and Entertainment Limited and PC Partner Group Limited (both listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) . He was an independent non- executive director of Quam Limited (listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange) during the period from 1 October 2006 to 30 September 2008. He is enthusiastic in community activities which include serving as the president of The Law Society of Hong Kong (2002-2004), vice-president of The Law Society of Hong Kong (1999-2002), part-time member of Central Policy Unit (2004-2005), deputy chairman of the Council of Lingnan University (2014-2020), council member of the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited (since 2002), director of Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (since 1997), and manager of The Chinese Club (since 2021). Mr. IP was awarded Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) on 27 July 2022. Mr. IP is the chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Risk Committee, and a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Company.

  • Mr. Lau Siu Ki

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Mr. LAU Siu Ki, Kevin, aged 65, has been an independent non-executive Director since 23 March 2009. He is currently running his own management consultancy firm, Hin Yan Consultants Limited. Mr. LAU has previously worked at Ernst & Young for over 15 years. He graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1981. Mr. LAU is a Fellow Member of both the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ("ACCA") as well as the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. LAU was a member of the World Council of ACCA from May 2002 to September 2011 and the chairman of ACCA Hong Kong in 2000/2001. Mr. LAU is currently the company secretary of Yeebo (International Holdings) Limited and Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited. He has been appointed an independent non-executive director of Comba Telecom Systems Holdings Limited, Embry Holdings Limited, FIH Mobile Limited, Samson Holdings Ltd, TCL Electronics Holdings Limited and IVD Medical Holding Limited respectively and the shares of these companies are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. LAU has also been appointed as the company secretary of Expert Systems Holdings Limited, the shares of which are listed on the GEM of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. LAU is the chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Risk Committee of the Company.

  • Professor Japhet Sebastian Law

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Professor Japhet Sebastian LAW, aged 72, has been an independent non-executive Director since 23 March 2009. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical/Industrial Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1976. He joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1986. He was the Associate Dean and subsequently the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1993 until 2002. Professor LAW has acted as a consultant with various corporations in Hong Kong and overseas and is currently an independent non-executive director of the following companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange: Tianjin Port Development Holdings Limited, Global Digital Creations Holdings Limited, Shougang Fushan Resources Group Limited, Regal Hotels International Holdings Limited and Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics (Group) Corporation Limited. He also serves as an independent supervisor of Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited. He was an independent non-executive director of Cypress Jade Agricultural Holdings Limited from December 2011 to July 2013. He is also active in public services, having served as member of the Provisional Regional Council of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and various Government and charitable boards and committees. Professor LAW is the chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Risk Committee of the Company.

  • Dr. Tang Lai Wah

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Dr. Tang, aged 66, holds a degree of Bachelor of Arts with honors in Accountancy, degree of Master of Business Administration (Executive) and degree of Doctor of Business Administration from the City University of Hong Kong. She also received an Distinguished Alumni Award from the College of Business of the City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Tang is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (“ACCA”) as well as the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a life member of The Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (“HKiNEDA”) and a life member of the Shenzhen Hong Kong Macau Women Directors Alliance. Since 2016, Dr. Tang has been appointed as an independent non-executive director of Glory Sun Land Group Limited (a company listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”), stock code: 0299), a member of the audit committee and the salary review committee. From 1990 to 2001, she served as the group financial controller of a number of listed companies on the main board of the Stock Exchange. In the past twenty years (from 2002 to 2022), Dr. Tang has been the chief financial officer and company secretary of Excel Technology International (Hong Kong) Limited. Dr. Tang has over 30 years of extensive experience in the telecommunication, media and information technology industries in the areas of accounting, financial management, corporate finance, merger and acquisition activities, initial public offering on the main board of the Stock Exchange, management of Hong Kong listed companies and corporate compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange.